We went to get
Cadee's passport today but other than that it was mostly a down or rest day. Here are some things we did.

Cadee came to us all she could do was hold things in her thumb and forefinger and wouldn't let them go (remember the sticker and Cheerio) Well today we got her to pick a Cheerio out of my hand and we guided it to her mouth and had her eat it. Sounds simple but she is still learning a skill that she never knew. Also we broke out the staking cups this evening and she just loved those. She can stack them with both hands, she hands the cups to mama and
dada when asked, can pass the cups from her left hand to her right hand and can make both hands work together stacking. We gave her 2 cups at bedtime for in the crib a bit and she was putting them up to her ears and scratching on them to make a sound and banging them together. Finally I had to take them from her for her to sleep and then didn't she cry and cry that was the most noise she'd made so far,. I think she is starting to make progress now.

As I said it's cold out. Here is
Cadee's warm silk coat with fake fur trim. I sure hope I can dry clean it well. Jeff thinks she looks like Santa Claus.

My First pair of Levi's size 12mo are just falling off her ...We weighed her today on the hotel scales and they said she weighed a whole whopping 16lbs. I think Carlee was 19lb when we got her.
Cadee is quite the peanut.
Finally as requested Cadee walking video I did one yesterday but I couldn't get it rotated so here is another of her walking down the hall
I can't view my blog from here can you let me know if the videos are working or not. Besides I'd love to here from you.
We are going to the Chen Clan FolkArt Academy and Shangxiajiu Shopping Street tomorrow. We've gone to the Academy last time. I'll try to remember to take lots of pics for the blog.
Howdy Jill, Jeff and Cadee, Aw, she is soooo tiny! You all are having such a good time, I can't wait to log in everyday to see what you are up to! It was such a surprise to see the videos too, they are all upright and I can hear the music too. Love the view from your hotel. I wish I were there shopping with you. I only got to go to walmart :(
AUNT JILL!!! UNCLE JEFF!!! i can't wait for you two to come home. she is soo adorable. today is the first i got to get on and look at the pics. it's awesome how you can keep us posted. i'm soo excited... she looks soo cute trying to walk and some of her "innocent" pics you got of her are great!!! i love you guys. give cadee and big cuz hug for me!!! this is amber by the way. can't figure this all out on this page.... hahaha
Hi guys! Cadee is so adorable. The blog site is great, we have been checking in daily to see if anything new is posted. We can hardly wait to see Cadee in person.
Jil, Jeff and Cadee, the videos are coming through great! It's awesome to be able to see all this from here. You're making great progress with Cadee and she is so cute....can't wait to see her in person.
Hi Jeff, Jill & Cadee, We just got this address today at church and how EXCITING!! Pictures & videos are great. Rufus & I cannot help but realize how very fortunate Cadee is and also how fortunate you are to parent her!! Can't wait to meet Cadee..she is beautiful. We will be checking in daily. Have safe travel! Rufus & Esther
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