Thursday, January 8, 2009

Book Reading

Our nightly reading now consist of Moppit reading to Peep. Moppit is reading at a 2nd grade level now she does such a great job.

Movie Watching

Here is a photo of a typical movie night. Carlee (Moppit) with her towel sitting on the preferred side of the chair (big fights in our house over which side of the chair they have to sit on) And Cadee (Peep) enjoying the girls favorite snack Salt and Vinegar potato chips.

For the Birds

This week I thought since Carlee was off school we would do another unplugged project something both her and Cadee could do ...So I gathered up some old pine cones from the basement and got out the peanut butter, and we slathered the peanut butter on the pine cones to put out for the birds. My darling husband was kind enough to move the bird feeder within 3 ft from the living room window so the girls could bird and squirrel watch. Thank goodness the bears are hibernating this time of year.

Our finished product.
Here is the view from our living room window. Of course the little devils, I mean, birds won't sit on the things while the wind is blowing for a good photo. But you get the idea.