Monday, April 13, 2009

Peep on the Bike goes Round and round

Look what Peep is learning to do

Easter Gift ...Skip bo

Here is Moppit demonstrating her new Skip bo

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter 09

T-town Egg Hunt 09

This year we only did one egg hunt here are the pics from the hunt. Moppit with her best friend. Peep got 7 eggs and Moppit got 5. Baby it was COLD out.

Palm Sunday 09

Here are the best shots from Palm Sunday, I dressed the girls in last years Easter Dresses to see how much they grew. Well Moppits fit her nicely but Peep grew about 3-4 inches and we needed to add the leggings to the outfit.

Sisters...Quiet Time

Peeps 1st day at Preschool

Peep started Preschool at the end on March. She goes Tues and Thursday mornings. The bus picks her up around 8 am and drops her off a little after 11
Here she is all ready to go!

She is soo proud of her Hola (Dora) Back pack

Here is the bus!
Her Pap Paw is the driver...She always asks Pap paw when she gets on the bus "
Where's Wa-Wa (Gramma)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Peep

Hey Peep! How old ....FREE! (yes the ring finger is up)

She was not quite sure what to do with the candles Moppit had to show her how to blow them out and Peep blew on the smoking candles then.

PS Gramma makes the best Choc cake w/ pnut butter icing.

Peep played with her new Click Start for over an hour tonight.

Aunt Trishy made sure Peep would be a beach babe sporting a new suit at Becker Beach this year.

Mom and Dad got her a bat and balls....STRIKE!!! for outside playing only

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tooth Fairy's first Visit

This Picture was taken last month when the tooth started to wiggle

This was taken last night !! Moppit lost her first tooth!

We asked her what she wanted to tooth fairy to bring her she said GOLD so
TF brought her a Gold President Monroe Dollar

Piggy Back Rides

Helping Hands

Special Times being Sisters...
Moppit putting up Peeps hair
Uh-oh Mom's been caught spying

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chinese New Years Party / China Travel group reunion

We traveled to Reading this weekend for a Chinese New Years party at our friend's house. Here is a photo of all the girls who came the older girsl were part of our friend's older daughter's travel group and most of the younger girls are from Peeps travel group.

Peep having fun!
Peep and her friend Mia

Most of Peeps China Sisters...Notice peep has her Pooh she had just gotten up from her nap

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our Girls

Here is an updated photos of the girls, No Moppit doesn't need glasses...Gram and Pappy got new glasses so she thought she needed glasses also. Gram went to Walmart and bought a clear pair for her. She wears them a lot.

She must have told her teacher she needed them cause when we went to parent's night her teacher said that Moppit wasn't paying attention in class very well lately, perhaps it was because she hadn't been wearing her glasses everyday. I informed her that we had Moppit's eyes tested and they are just fine and not to let Moppit fool her with that excuse.

Hair Up Mom

We are usually always pulling Moppits hair up (pony tails, Piggies etc.) Sometimes Peep will come to me and say Hair Up Mom so I stand her on her stool in the bathroom and she'll watch in the mirror as I put her hair in Piggies or Water spouts. While I'm pulling her hair up she will get these big tears running down her cheeks but she never wants me to stop putting it up. What a Kid!

Loose Tooth

Carlee's right front bottom tooth is finally getting loose! She doesn't want to give her teeth to the Tooth Fairy though she wants to save them and make a necklace with them. Good Grief! I think that was some of Pappy influence.

I took these few photos to make sure I could remember her with her baby teeth.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Book Reading

Our nightly reading now consist of Moppit reading to Peep. Moppit is reading at a 2nd grade level now she does such a great job.

Movie Watching

Here is a photo of a typical movie night. Carlee (Moppit) with her towel sitting on the preferred side of the chair (big fights in our house over which side of the chair they have to sit on) And Cadee (Peep) enjoying the girls favorite snack Salt and Vinegar potato chips.

For the Birds

This week I thought since Carlee was off school we would do another unplugged project something both her and Cadee could do ...So I gathered up some old pine cones from the basement and got out the peanut butter, and we slathered the peanut butter on the pine cones to put out for the birds. My darling husband was kind enough to move the bird feeder within 3 ft from the living room window so the girls could bird and squirrel watch. Thank goodness the bears are hibernating this time of year.

Our finished product.
Here is the view from our living room window. Of course the little devils, I mean, birds won't sit on the things while the wind is blowing for a good photo. But you get the idea.