Friday, February 29, 2008
Morning with Nia and Joy and More
Monday, February 18, 2008
Our Week!
Typical Day notice Cadee yelling at Carlee. My girls both love to play in the clothes baskets. Carlee used to be in one quite often and now Cadee can be entertained for hours given a clothes basket, kids broom and a bucket. She will out the bucket in the basket with her and row around with the broom. Who needs expensive toys.

Ready for Church. I've been waiting a long time to have my girls wear these dresses I bought them last summer. I thought taking photos of just Carlee was challenging HUH try getting a good shot of TWO... Not fun.

Monday, February 4, 2008
Here is Cadee's first attempt at playing ball (disclaimer: I didn't shoot this video) we also introduced her to the small sliding board tonight, she loved it.
Cadee seems to be adjusting fairly quickly. She is eating like a horse, sleeps through the night and is actually talking baby words. Our only issues are going to bed and getting into the carseat, she will just scream and bawl her head off but this too we shall over come. Carlee continues to be a great big sister, she is really a big helper to her mommy.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
First Week Home
The girls continue to get along well I can see though that Cadee will idolize Carlee as it's happening already and she doesn't like it when Carlee leaves at all. She yelled Ca-Ca when Carlee went out the door with Jeff last night.
Another thing that happened this week was Carlee was inducted into Daisies (group prior to Brownies in Girl Scouts) Here she is getting her new uniform and pins. She really loves to go to Daisies to see all of her friends and do the crafts.
Well that's about it for now. We are going to the Sportsman's Show today and Superbowl party tomorrow night. (Cadee's 7-7:30pm bedtime makes it hard to be out late anymore)