Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
We are leaving on a Jet Plane
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Santa Train
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Persimmon Quest
The Gingerbread House
Friday, December 14, 2007
Latest News
Got a call from our agency the other day looks like we will be traveling from Jan 11th to the 25th, but they are still trying to push the dates up earlier and will let us know by Tues or Wed.
Carlee Update
Carlee had a temp of 102 this morning and is home from school and won't be able to be in the Christmas program tonight :-( Hopefully she will be better tomorrow as Santa is coming to the house tomorrow night at 6 and Gramma Ritzman, Carlee and I will be going on the Santa train on Sunday. So today Carlee and I are confined to the house. I gave her Motrin and her temp is now 98.8 so we will wait and see.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Cadee Update
AFTH has 2 groups traveling one will be going to Jiangxi and our group going to Guangdong. We have approx 14-16 families in our group and approx 3-4 families going for their second child.
Our trip sounds like it will be a repeat of our trip to get Carlee.
Fly from Newark to Hong Kong. Stay at the Regal Hotel in the Hong Kong Airport then go on the bus with Ben in the morning to head to Guangzhou and the White Swan Hotel http://www.whiteswanhotel.com/eng/Public/briefIntro/index.asp. On the Shamian Island http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamian_Island stay at the White Swan for approx 10 days then back to Hong Kong and home.
I'm looking forward to seeing Jennifer's place http://www.jennifers_place.homestead.com/, Lucy's Restaurant, and the big dept store shopping spree again.
On the trip each family is assigned a number for Carlee we were family number 3. Well this time we moved up the list to family number 2.
There is another couple in our group from Harrisburg which is only 30 min from home. their daughter is around 7-8 mo. but hopefully we can keep in contact and let the girls get together once they get older.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Christmas Photo Out Takes
Travel Update
Jeff is hoping that we let before the 15th as Santa is coming to our home for the Christmas party on the 15th and I told Jeff if we are hosting the party here at the house we (Jeff) has to put up the outside lights. But if we leave before the 15th then he doesn't have to put them up.
I've been busy getting things ready for Christmas (wrapping gifts, decorating the house, making gifts to give) and getting the suitcases packed. So much to do and so little time
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christmas in the Park
Oh Christmas Tree
Close up
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Birthday Girl
Carlee's 5th Birthday
Working with the beads that Gramma Ritzman sent
Made a necklace with my name on I must wear it today
Taking my nap...Getting ready for my big party
Party Time:
Gramma and Pappaw got me a Birthday Girl Crown
Got to Model it for you
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Introducing Cadee Anne Becker

Chinese Name: Ji, Xiang Wu (Carlees was Jin, Xiang Yi)
Currently Residing: Huazhou Social Welfare Institute, Guangdong China…Same province as Carlee
As of Aug 07
Height 72 cm
Wt 7.72 kg
Deep Sleeper…Hurray
Picks up a pill with her thumb and index finger
Has 8 teeth
Uses thumbs and index fingers deftly
Takes a block out of the cup
Bangs 2 blocks together
Turns over pages of a book twice or more
Imitates words
Knows what NO means
Responds to other’s asking for her objects
Cooperative when put on clothes
Takes off unlined clothes
She is quiet
Fond of playing with toys
Getting along with others well
That is all we know so far except we all think she is beautiful!!
God is GOOD
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I'll post it as soon as I can I don't know what time the Fed Ex man is coming so keep watching
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Referrals are HERE and We are in
They are HERE!!!!!November 1st, 2007
First referral report has happened!!! The family has a LID of 12/7, I know that’s the next question.
Congrats to everyone who will soon be seeing your children’s faces for the first time!!!!!!
We should be getting out call today or tomorrow and getting her photo Monday or Tues...
Oh My Word I CAn't believe it!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bee Sting the next Day
Here is how Carlee woke up this morning with alot of swelling around her eyeHere is a photo of her eye right after church around lunch
Here it is just before bed. She says it doesn't hurt that it just itches. We gave her some Benydril and put warm compresses on it so hopefully tomorrow the swelling will go down some. Poor Kid
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Books Books Bookcase
What a Day!
We were planning to be in the town's Halloween parade today so around 3 I asked her if she wanted to be in the parade starting around 4. No she said I just want to watch. So I called J's mom to see were they would be standing so we could stand with them This was about 3:40pm turns out that J decided to walk in the parade, well that is all it took Carlee wanted to be in the parade too.
Mad dash getting her outfit on. Thank goodness we had everything laid out and her hair braided before we left for Fallfest. We made it to register at 3:55. She here she is walking in the parade. We decided to go with the Indian Maiden this year. She says she's Pocahontas...I say she's Sacajawea.
After the parade the kids play in the park and roast hot dogs until they announce the winners of the parade. Well guess who won 1st place for the prettiest individual. That's right the Indian Maiden. Here she is with her trophy. The day turned out pretty good after all!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
2 more weeks til TSO
If you can't place the group TSO here is their website. http://www.trans-siberian.com/intro.html If they ever get near your hometown I would highly recommend going. What a great way to bring in the holiday season.
Our Girl is Reading!!
She had been reading Go Dog Go and some of Dick and Jane but never completed the whole book.
I can't believe how much a little kid can learn at such a young age.
Friday, October 19, 2007
China Adoption ...The Process
Step #2...Once the CCAA recieves your dossier they log you in their books as to the date they recieved your paperwork. Call Log In Date or LID ours was Dec 7, 2005
Step #3...Wait
Step #4...1 year has passed since you did your homestudy and fingerprints. Send in more money to get everything renewed
Step #5...Wait
Step #6.. Dossier goes to the CCAA Review Room Our dossier (paperwork) checked and double checked to make sure everything is filled out the way they want it and that all of our paperwork is in order. Once the dossier is completely reviewed then it is sent to the matching room.
Step #7...Wait
Step #8...Nearly 2 years has passed since home study. You must renew the homestudy again as in PA you can't travel unless you have a current home study.
Step #9...Matching Room...In the matching room they review this months available baby dossiers and make sure there are no issues with them. Parent dossiers are reviewed months before, baby dossiers are reviewed when they arrive and then immediately matched. So now they have a stack of baby dossiers. They look to see how far this stack will go in the month without sending out a partial day and they pull all of those files. That is the likely cut-off date. Sometimes something happens and they don't get this far. Sometimes something happens and they get farther. Next they match orphanages up with agencies. This orphanage has six babies, this agency has six families. These two orphanages are in the same province and have a total of 12 babies, this agency has 12 families. When they are through with this is when (I believe) some agencies start to get information about the cut-off date. And then they start matching individual babies to individual families. The CCAA has matched up to Nov 30th 2005 as of the beginning of Oct 07
Step #10 ...We hear from our agency that we have been matched and are given the details of our daughter. Hopefully this will happen the last week of Oct or the first week of Nov.
I'll let you know about what happens next .... More coming soon (I hope)
Getting Ready
I thought I would have Carlee wear her Jie-Jie Sweatshirt to Kindergarten on the day after we get Cadee's picture. I wasn't sure if we would get our match in the summer or winter so I had to buy for both seasons of course. Won't the girls look too cute wearing these once Cadee comes home.